
Logo design and styling pop-up store


Logo design and styling pop-up store


SRM make-up & brows


Logo design and styling of a pop-up store / make-up counter


My client asked me to design a clean and neutral logo for her shop where she is planning to give make-up workshops and eyebrow services. She collaborates with several cosmetica brands and her logo is supposed to match with all corporate identities. The logo is clear, effective and the below part of the letters SRM become graphic icons that can be used as a style element in other graphic designs.
The briefing for pop-up store on the other hand was to create a warm and welcoming space. A high table with 6 chairs and a treatment chair (with some privacy) were required. With a well-considered lay-out and minimal resources it became a practical but cozy make-up counter. Wood and dark colors gave warmth to the space. The copper details refer to the cosmetica brand that my client represents. And the white treatment chair and salon stool freshen it up. The curtains give the clients some privacy.
Portfolio Colinda van Iperen

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